Goodbye Implanon; Hello life!

My poor Blog has been suffering from some severe neglect of late. Since having the implant fitted back in December, I have found it so difficult to write, my thoughts scattered and unfocused, my mental and physical energy depleted. Last week I made the important decision to have the implant removed. On Tuesday, a small incision was made in my arm and within seconds that tiny little rod of progesterone was deftly extracted from my life. For such a small thing it has made a massive impact. If I hadn’t been able to use Utovlan to control the flow, I would have bled heavily for the full five months of it being in my body. Every time I lowered the dose of Utovlan to test if the implant had ‘settled’ (the euphemistic term that my doctors constantly used to persuade me to hang on in there), sure enough I would start bleeding again. This would have been bad enough in itself but what has been far more alarming has been the implant’s impact on my mental and emotional health. In short I have felt dreadful. There were mornings when I sincerely regretted being awake, when I just couldn’t see the point of my existing. I have never felt like that ever before, not even at the lowest moments of my life. It was frightening. Since the removal of the implant my whole mental and emotional state has completely changed; within a day of its removal I could feel the lifting and brightening in my head; each day since then I have felt more and more like my old self; my energy increasing, my engagement with life deepening.

Many of the search engine terms coming into this Blog have been questions about both Utovlan and Implanon. Like me, lots of women are obviously struggling to cope, so to place a line beneath this, I just want to summarise my own experience in the hope that it might be helpful to others.

For some women, Implanon obviously works. For those women who have it fitted in order to help menstrual problems, you need to be aware that there is a good chance that these will be made far worse. The bleeding that I personally experienced on the implant was extremely heavy, to the point that I found it difficult to leave the house. Without the use of Utovlan – synthetic progesterone used to stem abnormal menstrual bleeding – life would have been pretty impossible to negotiate, not to mention exhausting. Also be aware that you might start to suffer from depression or moods swings. For me, these were severe. Judging by the many internet sites of women discussing their symptoms, I have not been alone in my experience. I also found that my sleeping patterns were disturbed. I don’t think I slept normally for the entire five months, waking many times in the night. Usually I have very vivid dreams but these stopped. Amazingly, this week of being implant free, I have started dreaming again and sleeping far better.

For women with dysfunctional uterine bleeding, I believe Utovlan to be really helpful, although I think it also has its difficult side-effects. For a while, I was blaming most of my symptoms on Utovlan, but over time, and having taken the pills last week without the implant, I have discovered that, for me, Implanon was the main culprit in making me feel poorly; Utovlan makes me a little manic but has been far more manageable than Implanon with regards to my emotional state. I would certainly use it again, for instance in delaying a period for going away on holiday (can’t tell you how many holidays have been ruined by my menstrual problems!) or for getting through unavoidable situations. I am viewing it as a temporary but useful ally.

I think that far too often, women with menstrual problems are shunted down the contraceptive route without first exploring more deeply the causes of their symptoms. As a form of contraception, Implanon is extremely good and if a woman is having no problems on it, that’s great. It might be added that if you are bleeding constantly and feeling very depressed, sex is truly the last thing on your mind, so it’s little wonder it works so well as a contraceptive device!!

In the week prior to removal, I started bleeding, even with the assistance of Utovlan. I haven’t actually stopped yet, yesterday being particularly difficult. I am hoping that eventually my body will settle back into its own natural cycle. I have finally been told by my doctor that I have a retroverted uterus (tipped backwards); this might certainly explain the severe menstrual pain I have suffered my entire life. It has also meant that my doctors now feel it important to check if the retrovertion is natural – i.e. the way I am built – or being caused by something else. At last, I might actually get some answers. It strikes me as rather depressing that despite the severity of my symptoms I have never been referred to a gynaecologist and have never been tested for endometriosis. I think after the misadventure of the last few months, it’s now about time that I was.

My advice to women who are suffering from negative symptoms since having Implanon fitted is to not be afraid to ask to have it removed, particularly if it is affecting your mental health and well-being. The makers of the implant themselves recommend that it is not fitted in women who have had a previous history of depression. I have been alarmed at how quickly my emotional well-being crumbled once the implant had been inserted. I have also found that since its removal, despite the heavy bleeding of the last few days, I have at least felt like I can cope psychologically. This alone is so vital if you are dealing with health issues; if both your body and mind become fragile, it is so much harder to retain one’s resilience.

The other point to remember is that devices that are fitted within the body like Implanon inevitably mean that your control is taken out of your hands if things go wrong; you are dependant on others to remove it, unlike taking a pill which you can simply stop. It’s important to think about this. Many doctors seem to want women to persist with the implant in the hope that symptoms will settle. If it hadn’t been for this, I would have asked for it to be removed long before it was. It’s important to remember that it is your body and if you truly feel the implant is making you unwell, you have every right to have it removed.

I had also been feeling a spiritual crisis over these last months. This I now put down to the implant too. It severed my connection to the world around me. I found it very hard to feel anything, as if my ability to be stimulated and moved by my environment had closed down. In the last week, I have been noticing how beautiful everything is, being touched and moved by what I am seeing. How awful that something that I was given to help me, actually cut me off from myself, my world and my sense of spiritual belonging.

I don’t write any of this to frighten or alarm. I think that things probably have to be tried and that each individual response will be different. And yet, I also think it is important to understand that there are very real risks. Despite the uncertainty I face at present, I feel so grateful to be implant free, to be liberated from the emotional and mental fog that has engulfed me for weeks.


  1. J said,

    February 3, 2011 at 2:01 am

    I am so glad to read this, earlier on today I made an appointment for the removal of mine. I have had it in from May 2010, a few months after having my son.. I wasn’t on anything from January until then, I was back in pre pregnancy clothes, happy, enjoying life.. Bleeding wasn’t my problem, that was probably the only thing it done well apart from preventing pregnancy. It’s so comforting to know that there is a reason why I’m feeling the way I am, and also very good to know that you felt yourself coming back almost right away. I wish I could have it out tomorrow, I’m counting the days, thank you.

  2. luckyloom1 said,

    February 3, 2011 at 9:01 am

    HI J,

    I am so sorry that you have been feeling so poorly on Implanon. I hope things start to improve for you now; I do understand how awful it can be to be feeling like that. I am so pleased that my post has helped – it is always good to know that others have shared an experience – it can help to make sense of what we are going through. I know women who have sailed through on it, no problems but this is just not the case for all of us. I think it is so important to take care of our mental health and well-being, and it was clear to me, my freinds and my family, just what a dreadful impact the implant was having on me. Seven months on, I have no regrets that I had it removed; it was absolutely the right thing to do.

    Good luck with the removal J! I hope you can start to reclaim your life now.

    Thank you so much for reading and commenting. Take care.

  3. October 12, 2011 at 6:44 am

    Omg im so happy to read this to.. im having the same problems to much gain weight and my visions getting worse. Sometimes my vision blurs out and i get dizzy all the time that i got to hold on to something because i feel like im going to fall..i want to remove it but they told me i had to be committed for a year..i been having it for like almost 4 months but im not liking it at all.And i suffered from depression before and this is just making it worse for postpartum depression…I dont know what to do…

    • Steph said,

      July 18, 2018 at 7:51 pm

      Hi luckyloom1,
      A bit of a while ago your post but had to write! Just had my nexplanon removed today after 2 years as I was bad mentally and physically and mis-diagnosed with post natal depression when of course there was underlying issues . Just want to be my old self again as feel I’ve lost myself all together! Everything I loved I stopped loving and I couldn’t find out why I was feeling this way. Constantly thinking people hate me and not wanting to leave the house in case someone would think what im wearing is hideous or I just looked hideous. My confidence deteriorated rapidly. Cut my friends out of my life for no reason! Mood swings are hurrendous! And a bad case of OCD! Everything that used to make me happy I can’t picture me doing again as I’m convinced it’ll make me miserable! Constantly searching for that fix but nothing! It took 2 years of my life away and I’m gaining it back right now from today. So comforting to hear others are having the same problems, feel less lonely !

  4. luckyloom1 said,

    October 12, 2011 at 9:51 pm

    Hi Jessika, I am so sorry you have been having a terrible time with Implanon – you poor thing. If you feel unwell, and particularly if you are suffering from depression, do not feel that you have to endure the implant for a year. Ask to get it removed; it is your right – they can’t force you to keep it in. The makers of Implanon recommend that women with previous depression should not be fitted with it, all the more reason to stand your ground and insist that they remove it. I do hope things will start to get better for you and that you will be feeling well again soon. I don’t regret having it removed; it was not the right thing for me. Take good care of yourself Jessika and do let me know how you get on…

  5. Sam said,

    November 28, 2011 at 1:28 am

    Ive had an implanon implant for over a year and a half now,on my doctors reccomendation, but i am also down on record as depressed with a history of self harm. certainatly,things have been bad since ive had it, i dont want to go outside anymore, im suprised my partner has stuck around with all the mood swings i suffer-but ithought it was just me. ive also lost 4.5st in weight, not in a controlled way – i lost 10lb in a week once (and was only around 12.5st before the implant) and where i used to have a huge appetite, there are days now when il genuinely forget to eat. but a friend who had an implant gained 2 stone in the 4 months she kept it for. she told me how her doctor tried to persuade her in to ‘letting it settle for a while longer,’ so she just told him she was a lesbian now, so there was no point, after that he just got on with it. my only qualm now is the actual removal of the thing. im so anxious about it, i wasnt this squeemish before as i obviously knew what the insertion/removal would entail. Eek

  6. luckyloom1 said,

    November 28, 2011 at 10:29 am

    Hi Sam, I am so sorry to hear you have been having such an awful time. The weight loss is very worrying – I have heard of women both losing and gaining weight rapidly on the implant – but what concerns me is that you have a record of depression and your doctor seems to be ignoring this with regard to the manufacturers advice of not giving the implant to women with a previous history.

    Please don’t worry about the removal. Mine was quick and painless. The doctor or nurse will have been trained to do it; they will make a tiny, tiny incision and slide the implant out. I then just had a plaster over it for a couple of hours. I don’t regret having it removed one bit – it was one of my better life decisions. I wish I had been firmer and had it removed sooner.

    Do take tender care of yourself. Explain to your partner what you feel is happening and get as much support from friends and family that you can. Ask them to go along to the doctors with you – my husband came with me because my own doctor seemed so reluctant to remove it. I know how awful this thing can make you feel, and it’s important to have people around you that are sympathetic.

    Good luck Sam! I do hope things get better for you very soon. Keep me posted how you get on! x

  7. site said,

    May 30, 2012 at 6:46 pm

    A insightful blog post right there mate ! Thank you for that !

  8. Shelby said,

    May 10, 2014 at 8:10 pm

    I am 21 years old and I have had the implanon in my arm for four months to the day today. It has been the worst experience. I’ve had lows in my life and picked myself back up. This is far different than anything I’ve ever felt. I’ll be at an all time low and I cannot pick myself up. My boyfriend suffers from my mood swings and roller coaster of emotions. I sleep so much! I can sleep a good nights sleep, wake up, eat some breakfast, and go right back to sleep for hours! I’ve lost my focus on my job. Rarely am I happy. I literally don’t care about much anymore. The things that made me the happiest now do not interest me. I went back to the doctor to have it removed a month ago and the doc said it hadn’t even been six months yet. She said to let it settle because there’s a “peak” for the hormone and to try and deal with it until the six mo th mark and if I still feel this way she’ll take it out. I don’t have a problem with bleeding. I actually haven’t bled since I got it in. I constantly want to punch someone in the face; I’m always on edge. It’s extremely disappointing because I am not me anymore and I was a pretty chill, outgoing, fun person. I never want to leave the house. I get nervous with a lot of ppl around me now. I do not recommend this contraceptive.

  9. luckyloom1 said,

    May 12, 2014 at 1:14 pm

    Shelby, I am so sorry you have been going through this. I really do sympathise. Don’t be afraid to ask to have it removed before the end of the six months – that is a long time to feel so low. My own doctor was very pro Implanon and really didn’t want to accept that it was causing me so many problems. Having it removed was without doubt the best decision for me. Your mental health and emotional well-being are precious. Take care of yourself. I hope that you will be feeling much better very soon.

  10. Alisha said,

    November 11, 2014 at 4:20 pm

    I have had mine in for less than a week and it’s already causing extreme depression. I have had depressiob in the past and I don’t sleep anymore 😦 I’m getting it removed as soon as possible

  11. luckyloom1 said,

    November 11, 2014 at 6:10 pm

    Hi Alisha,

    I’m so sorry to hear that you are having such a terrible time. They really shouldn’t have fitted you with it if you had previously suffered from depression – even Implanon’s website advises against it. I do hope that you will be able to get it removed as soon as possible and be feeling much better very soon.

  12. Emily said,

    January 19, 2015 at 10:32 am

    Hi, I am getting my implant removed tonight if the doctor will do it. I have had it for two years and for the last year and a half have suffered extreme depression, mood swings and bleeding every single day without a single day off bleeding. The worst side effect however has been just the complete exhaustion I have suffered. I used to be an extremely energetic, creative and ambitious young girl. Now i don’t even recognize myself as I am a shadow of the person I used to be before having the implant. I have completely lost interest in everything and everyone in the world and all I like to do is sleep… often for 14-15 hours a day on weekends, when I can!
    I never recognized my symptoms as being linked to the implant until a month ago, but it all makes sense now and I am very much looking forward to its removal tonight.

    • luckyloom1 said,

      February 5, 2015 at 3:33 pm

      Hi Emily,

      I am so pleased you have chosen to have the implant removed. I have never regretted my decision and can empathise with everything you say. I do hope you will start to feel like your old self again very soon.Take care of yourself.

  13. Leah said,

    March 24, 2015 at 4:19 am

    Thank you so much for writing such an honest review& I can see its given women a lot of help:
    I had my implant removed yesterday & I have literally felt instantly mentally well again. I thought it was just placebo affect, and the thought of it being gone made me feel mentally better but after reading your frank blog its made me realise that I wasn’t alone & other women were feeling really low/anxious/tired/extremely moody due to the implant, like me! I honestly thought I was getting depression again which I haven’t had since my teens & I am now 30 & it has even effected my bonding process with my 19 week old daughter.

    I’d had it in for 3 months, after having my second child& seemingly had 2 implants before with no side effects (although now I’m starting to wonder about the coinciding depression I had/lack of libido may have been due to the previous implants!) I’ve bled constantly which has got me down in itself but its been nothing compared to the exact feelings you have described-a mental ‘fog’ of unclarity/uncertainty fuelled with rage & extreme moodiness with mainly my poor husband& 2 wonderful children. my mental state had changed that much that even my husband suggest I have it removed as it has been affecting my normally happy, out-going self.

    I’ve been feeling very low from the minute I wake, and been very uneasy in myself which has been terrifying really as a busy wife & mother. I’ve been terrible towards both my children&husband over the past 3 months-snappy, aggressive& I can’t believe the difference in my mental state in less than 24 hours.

    I would not recommend this contraceptive & like me I would lie & say you’re going to be trying for a baby soon if you need/want your implant out (I could see the conversation with my nurse was going to be ‘keep the implant in’ as I was told my syptoms were ‘normal’ so I quickly added that I was going to be trying for another child soon to get the thing out!!)

    I did not realise implanon is not recommend to women which have suffered depression, which I have in the past, and now the ‘fog’ has started to lift, I can now see how poorly the implant has made me over the past 3 months.

    Ladies-you know yourself/your body more than anyone&if you think implanon is the cause-get it removed. Thank you again for this article as it has reaffirmed I have done the right thing having my implant removed& has made me realise that the implant has been to blame for so much darkness I have felt over the past 3 months (especially in such a joyful time with my new daughter& happy family life).xx

    • luckyloom1 said,

      April 4, 2015 at 11:03 am

      Hi Leah,

      I’m so pleased that you are feeling better. It angers me that you have been told that your symptoms are ‘normal’ – I met the same brick wall, being told to hold on and and let it settle, and of course it didn’t. I read on the Implanon website that they didn’t recommend it for women who had previously had depression. Given this, you would think that medical staff would recognise the danger signs. Many women are fine on Implanon but many are not, and it seems negligent not to listen to women when they are trying to communicate how ill they are feeling. There is nothing ‘normal’ about constantly bleeding for months and being severely depressed – it’s shocking and negligent to pressure women into keeping it.

      I do hope you can now start to enjoy time with your family and feel more like your old self. Thank you for sharing your experience.

      Take care of yourself. x

  14. Sophie said,

    June 2, 2015 at 12:09 pm

    This blog has been so informative and has really helped in my decision to have the implant removed. I had my implant removed today and was informed by my doctor that the side effects anxiety, panic, uneasyness, nausea and headaches should dissipate immediately (thank goodness).

    I am sorry to hear that so many users are being told to ride it out or wait for it to settle. I advise any one who wants it removed to make the appointment and state it is for removal of the implant when making it. You do not have to discuss it or put up with anything inside your body that you are not comfortable with!! The removal was actually less uncomfortable than when it was inserted, you are injected with local anasthetic before a small incision is made to slide it out, mine was very quick and pain free ( the injection stung as they all do). Hope this helps anyone else in this situation.

  15. Rox said,

    July 2, 2015 at 11:50 am

    Thank you for such an honest review. I really wish I had read this 2, 3 or even 4 years ago. My own experience with Implanon was very drawn out. I had it inserted in September 2010 when I was 22 and loved it, I had some bleeding for a few weeks but after that nothing, no more agonizing periods. There were some mood swings but I was in a very happy and exciting new relationship so it was easy to sweep it under the carpet. Over the next 3 years I moved in with my partner, we got engaged and although I felt depressed a lot of the time, I always put it down to who I was – I struggled with bouts of depression throughout my teen years.

    In September 2013 I had my second implant inserted and from then on it all got so much worse – getting out of bed was unbearable, I was overeating to fill the time and quiet depressive thoughts. Having a beer or glass of wine in the evening turned into drinking at least half a bottle of hard liquor a night. By February of 2014 for the first time in my adult life my clothes didn’t fit me any more. I assumed – oh, it’s just my age. So as things spiralled on downwards I tried to make sense of it all – when did it get so bad, is it all related to something or is this really, really who I am? Am I an alcoholic? Is it time to seek help for depression? Could it maybe be something hormonal, thyroid perhaps?

    I decided to start hill walking with my Mum every evening and it helped my mood in the short term but nothing else was changing. My Mum is slap bang in the middle of the menopause and talking to her every evening on our walks really put things in to perspective for me – she feels rubbish, fat (she’s isn’t) and not herself. All I could think was, I feel like that but so much worse and I’m only 26!
    So I decided to take a chance – the only thing that I know for sure could be affecting my hormones goes first and then I will have to to tackle the alcohol.

    I got the implanon removed 3 weeks ago and I’m a different person. There was no need to tackle the alcohol problem, the food issues, body issues or the depression. They all went in to the clinical waste bin with that pathetic little rod! I never expected for a second that all the horror I had been going through was all down to birth control, it just seemed too simple and a little absurd.

    Food is my friend again. I am now enjoying my one glass of wine the odd evening. Intrusive suicidal thoughts are gone. I look at my fantastic long suffering fiancée and love him more than ever. My pre-menstrual mood swings are of course still alive and kicking but at least I can understand them now without the fog of depression. I’ve just started my first period in 5 years and the painful cramps are nowhere near as bad as I remember them to be they’re a small price to pay for a bit of joy!

    Sorry for the incredible long reply!

    • Rox said,

      July 2, 2015 at 11:51 am

      *incredibly long reply

    • Lorna Burke said,

      October 23, 2017 at 2:06 pm

      Well done. It’s good that you’ve realised what was causing your depression and anxiety. I have now turned 30 and have been on nexplanon for 18 months. Before that I was on nexplanon for 3 years before that. I am getting it removed tommorow. Ive been in a dark place for a long time and ruled out lots of other things. I didn’t realise that birth control could cause lots of suffering. X

  16. Gipsy rivas said,

    January 7, 2017 at 4:17 pm

    This is the second time I had the implant put in and I couldn’t explain to people that all I felt was sad,never joy anymore. My anxiety,mood swings,depression and just plain old lack of interest is crazy. You explained it so perfectly!!!!! I’m getting mine removed at the end of this month and you just gave me hope!

    • luckyloom1 said,

      January 10, 2017 at 12:24 pm

      Hi Gipsy Rivas,

      I really hope it goes well for you and that you start to feel better. Best of luck! x

  17. January 30, 2017 at 3:48 pm

    Hi ,

    After two years , 7 months , I had mine removed today ,

    I called the ER last night after feeling I was a danger to myself because of my poor mental state , I felt so depressed over the years , matched with the physical pain and server bleeding.

    I came out this experience alive,

    Some don’t ,

    I can’t stress how many times I’ve felt low enough to take my own life and I had to constantly remind myself that ” it’s the hormones , it’s the implant , you are okay”

    Pure madness!

    I’d look at myself every morning before work and say, it the hormones , you are okay,

    I needed to reassure myself I’m not going crazy ,

    It’s only 6 hours after removal , been sleeping most of the day, hopefully I’ll get better and see a positive change , same way you did .

    Thank you for your post ,

    • luckyloom1 said,

      February 9, 2017 at 3:00 pm

      I really hope things improve for you Angela. Take good care of yourself and get all the help and support you can.

  18. chloe baskin said,

    April 18, 2017 at 8:05 pm

    Hi, I had a similar nightmare. Nexplanon has made my life miserable. I had it removed after a month. About a week after insertion I felt something I have anxiety but I have NEVER EVER had it as bad as I had it once the implant was put in. About 2 weeks in I started experiencing nervousness, heart palpitations, and anxiety as soon as I would wake up. I just thought I was losing my mind and didn’t put 2 and 2 together. Well, I ended up getting a panic attack which sent me to the hospital. That has never happened to me before. I then started having an anxiety meltdown. I was moody and started feeling depressed, which isn’t me either. My anxiety was so bad it was hard for me to even think about cooking for myself and I found myself uncontrollable sobbing on my bathroom floor. I didn’t wanna leave me apartment. I also didn’t wanna hang out with friends which was odd because I’m very social.I told my gyno and she said they wanna take it out right away. I had it removed a few days ago. I felt like a weight was lifted but still dont feel 100% back to myself. I’m still spotting so i’m sure my hormones are trying to balance out as well. I’m currently on anxiety medication things have just gone so far left. I’m on the road to recovery and just praying i’ll be back to the fun girl that I used to be.

    I also just reported this product to the FDA. It’s important we report these issues so they are aware. We don’t have to suffer in silence. Also, LISTEN TO YOUR BODY. If you know something isn’t right..get that thing out ASAP. I’m lucky I realized what it was early on.

    • luckyloom1 said,

      May 4, 2017 at 11:41 am

      I am so sorry Chloe – I do sympathise – but so pleased you are on the up. It can take awhile to readjust – I think your hormones just get all out of whack. Hold on in there!

  19. sydney said,

    April 20, 2017 at 12:26 am

    I’m shocked and also somehow encouraged by reading all the comments about the emotional/mental distress caused by this birth control. This is the third method I’ve tried— first the low dosage hormonal pill, then the Mirena IUD which was awful and painful, and now the implanon. I have been a MESS since getting it put in last july—- and I’m already pretty emotionally sensitive with a history of anxiety. I’ve been a monster since getting it in. my bf has noticed my moods changing, dramatic mood swings, touchy, emotionally unstable, anxious, low libido/sex drive, poor body image. no drive to work out and poor results from a clean, healthy diet. It’s destroying me and I’ve been scared to take it out because I don’t want to be unprotected, but it needs to come out of me. i cry all the time now— about anything and everything. people don’t believe you that it’s happening from inside– but i will never recommend the IUD or the implant to another woman. I hope you all get them successfully removed and find your light again. xo

    • luckyloom1 said,

      May 4, 2017 at 11:39 am

      I am so sorry to hear that Sydney. It worries me that Implanon is fitted when there has been a history of anxiety – particularly when the manufacturers advise against it. I hope that things are good for you now.

  20. Lorna Burke said,

    October 23, 2017 at 2:01 pm

    Hello,I wondered how long did it take for you to recover from have having your implant removed. I only just realised the link between being in a depressed place and the implant. I’ve been on this one for a year and a half. Did it take long for you to regain your mental health? I’ve been in this dark place for a very long time and I am getting the implant removed tommorow. X

    • luckyloom1 said,

      October 25, 2017 at 10:36 am

      Hi Lorna,

      So sorry to hear you have been feeling so low. It didn’t take long at all for me to start feeling better once the implant was removed. I don’t regret the decision at all and only wish I had done it earlier. I wish you all the very best and hope that you can start to regain your sense of well-being again very soon. xx

      • Lorna Burke said,

        October 30, 2017 at 12:35 pm

        Thank you lucky loom 1. It’s good to hear from someones who has been though it and recovered. I find lots of my family and friends really invalidating about the connection between the implant and depression so it’s good to talk to other ladies who have experienced this. Even professionals such as the female doctor I went to see refused to believe that there is a link.

    • Leah said,

      October 25, 2017 at 10:51 am

      Hi Lorna,

      so sorry to hear how ill you have been feeling. it is an awful feeling. ..and like you it took me a while to realise implanon was the cause to my depression. subsequently I have gathered that any contraception of an hormonal type mentally plays havoc with me so I am now looking into having the coil fitted.

      I felt mentally easier in 24 hours so you should feel an improvement certainly within a few days.

      wish you good mental health. xxx (removal is easy so nothing to worry about there…be firm in your choice of removal if they’re telling you its ‘normal.’)

      • Lorna Burke said,

        October 27, 2017 at 1:56 pm

        Thankyou for getting back to me Leah. I really think women should be monitored and believed when a woman thinks it’s effecting her in this way. I went to see a lady doctor at the hospital. She said it couldn’t possibly be the implant causing this unbearable low mood.I know some ladies aren’t effected by this at all and remain their usual cheerful selves yet quite a few ladies have spoken to me about this hidden issue of their mental health being going downhil because of the implant. I hope the coil works for you in a positive way, Leah. I would not wish this suffering on anyone and I think it would be great if every woman could advoid wasting years of her life feeling this way, it’s really no way to live.

  21. Tatum said,

    November 7, 2017 at 11:40 pm

    What a relief!!!

    Just had mine removed yesterday and instantly feel better.

    I’ve put my partner through hell for the past year and a half since I had it inserted but not once did I ever suspect that my birth control could make me feel like I was going crazy… I even ruined my partner’s proposal because I literally flew off the handle while he was out secretly having a meeting with a jeweller friend of ours to have my dream ring made up (he’s never given me any reason to doubt him and I was the least insecure woman around but the Implanon demons had me convinced that day and other days too). I used to take care of myself a lot but since the Implanon, I seemed to hate myself a bit more everyday. It affected my relationship to the point where I was constantly starting vicious fights with my S/O over minor issues like him not making me a sandwich for example (sadly, a true story). I was always a happy, outgoing and positive person who always saw the glass half full but I did a complete personality 180 into snarling, insecure wreck of a woman. I hope I can make up for lost time now that I’m ‘back’.

    Not once did I question the implant. I think more info should be given to women before insertion. Maybe a questionnaire on how their moods etc have changed since insertion and definitely more info given about mental health changes. I was just told that it may affect bleeding, periods and weight. The mental effects were never mentioned.

    Oh well. Here’s to having myself back and all the other success stories! 🙂 Nice to know it wasn’t just me…

    • luckyloom1 said,

      November 17, 2017 at 1:28 pm

      So glad you are feeling better! 🙂

    • Leah said,

      November 17, 2017 at 1:46 pm

      so glad it’s out and you’re on the mend. it’s disgusting the way mental health isn’t monitored on the implant. A colleague has just had this fitted: I’ve warned her of the side effects. when it comes to birth control we’re told it’s just ‘normal’. we know our bodies and minds more than anyone…happy mental health to all.

      • Tatum said,

        November 21, 2017 at 10:52 pm

        Well said! Another update two weeks later: The extra weight is just melting off!!! Happy, happy days! Our relationship has pretty much gone back to when we started dating and I’m back to being the person he fell in love with back then. We haven’t had at fight at all since it’s been removed and I’m my happy, bubbly self. 🙂

        We’ve agreed to go off hormonal contraception completely. This stuff should be banned. I had mental issues on the two month injection too. The three month wasn’t too bad on the mental health but the weight gain was insane!

        Love and unicorn sprinkles to all lol because I’m just that happy nowadays!!! 🙂

  22. chido said,

    February 14, 2018 at 9:28 am

    I have recently had my implant removed on th 26 of jan 2018 and I have experienced bloating and pre-period symptoms but I haven’t had my period which was due end of January it is now mid February and I still haven’t seen my period I have had two pregnancy tests and both were negative despite me feeling nauseous and tired and sleeping a lot my brain can’t focus well I am emotionally unstable and all over the place. I am really in a bad space. And another thing is my vision has severely deteriorated I regret the day I had this implant put in and I Even stuck out the side effects and had it for the full 3 years

    • luckyloom1 said,

      February 20, 2018 at 3:42 pm

      I am so sorry to hear that Chido -I do hope that you start to see improvements in your well-being soon. For me, it took a while to have a period and I went to a herbalist for help – which worked for me. It is finding things that help you regain your hormonal balance and I think that different hings work for different women. Don’t lose up, things will get better.

  23. Jenifer frady said,

    July 18, 2018 at 8:12 am

    thank you so much for sharing so nice to know I am not alone. I will be getting mine removed tomorrow.

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